Heather Warnken, Emeritus

Heather Warnken, J.D., LL.M., is a Visiting Fellow at the U.S. Department of Justice, working across the Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Office for Victims of Crime in the first-ever position designed to improve the dissemination and translation of statistical data and social science research for the crime victim assistance field. Before joining DOJ, Heather served as Legal Policy Associate at the Warren Institute on Law & Social Policy, University of California Berkeley School of Law, where she led two statewide needs assessments on how to improve access to victim services and victim compensation for underserved victims of crime. Heather also worked as partner to the San Francisco Juvenile Probation Department to develop policies and procedures to improve outcomes for youth; as Mitigating the Effects of Poverty Program Director for Partners for Each and Every Child, and authored “Untold Stories of California Crime Victims: Research & Recommendations on Repeat Victimization and Rebuilding Lives.”

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