Too many Michigan crime victims are not being served by the state’s Crime Victim Services Commission. 

  • Michigan has the lowest application rate for victim compensation of any state in the nation, and a higher denial rate than the national average. 
  • Less than 2% of victims of violent crime in Michigan get victim compensation from the Michigan Crime Victim Services Commission.

    Michigan Crime Survivor Kristen Burgess  

    Michigan Crime Survivor Priscilla Bordayo 

    Michigan Crime Survivor
    Deleah Sharp

    There is too much red tape and far too many bureaucratic barriers that block crime victims from getting help from victim compensation to recover.

    • Michigan has the shortest reporting deadline in the country, denying crime victims and families victim compensation if they report the crime later than within 48 hours.
    • Michigan only allows victim compensation applications to be submitted in person or by mail, when dozens of states accept applications via email and online.
    • The victim compensation program denies eligibility to victims of violent crime if their injuries are not fatal or physical (for example, victims held at gunpoint are denied help if they don’t have a physical injury).

    Michigan Crime Survivor
    Deleah Sharp

    Crime Survivors for Safety and Justice has over 2,400 members in 78 of Michigan 83 counties. Our members are victims of gun violence, domestic violence, sexual violence and various other types of violence. 

    Crime victims want to make Michigan safer by stopping cycles of crime and ensuring all crime victims get help. The Safer Michigan Act would eliminate red tape so more survivors get help in their recovery. It would also prioritize rehabilitation by preparing people to be productive upon leaving prison, so they don’t reoffend and we prevent more Michiganders from becoming crime victims.


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    Join Crime Survivors For Safety And Justice In Michigan

    Text “CSSJMI” To 97779 or use the link below to sign up to get involved.

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    Contact Us

    1624 Franklin Avenue
    11th Floor
    Oakland, CA 94612

    Tel: (510) 836-4700
    Fax: (510) 836-4701